

Hey, I am Laurenz. I am new media artist working on interactive experiences and games. From my background as an Architect, I slowly shifted to virtual worlds, interested in combining physical as well as digital spaces to connect people.
I studied Game Design at the NYU Game Center and worked with Looking Glass Factory, AMC games, Bacronym and Tender Claws.
My interactive installations have been shown at Lighthouse festival and WAF galerie.
Right now I am based in Vienna, Austria working as a Freelancer and on personal projects.

In different collaborations, I have been nominated for awards and festivals. Among them are:

* nominated for the IGF Nuovo Award
* in the selection of Indiecade
* in the selection of Indiecade Europe
* finalist at Ludicous
* nominated for the A MAZE. HumanHuman Machine award
* participant at the NYU Game Center Incubator

email: laurenzriklin[at]

twitter: @deinlenz

ig: @deinlenz
